Modules and Namespacing

Modules and namespaces are used to separate functions and types so that they can have the same names without treading on each other.

Dark v1 Problems

Package manager function names are ugly


Solution: TODO

Status: Design needed

Built-in types have no module

Problem: Ok, Error, Just and Nothing are not in any namespace

Solution: Ok should be

Status: Design needed

Built-in types have no module

Problem: Ok, Error, Just and Nothing are not in any namespace


Status: Spec'ed or not spec'ed

v2 Spec

v2 Language definition

type FQFnName =
  | Stdlib { module = string, name = string, version = int }
  | PackageManager
      { owner = UserID,
        package = string,
        module = string,
        name = string,
        version = int

v2 Standard library

v2 Editor changes