
Description: TODO

Dark v1 Problems

Built-in enums are not real types


The existing built-in enum types (Result and Option) are partially hardcoded. Expressions allow EConstructor, but Dvals use DResult and DOption, while DType uses DResult and DOption.


  • Allow Enum types in the standard library
  • Allow versioning and namespacing for constructors
  • Reimplement DResult and DOption using the builtin enum type
    • migrate stored programs, stored values in the User DB, stored values in traces

Status: TODO

Users cannot create their own enum types

Problem: Once we have enums created in the standard library, we still need to allow users to create them.


  • UI work (piggyback off record work)
  • versioning (piggyback off record work)
  • namespaces (piggyback off record work)
  • storage somewhere (piggyback off record work)

Status: TODO

Cannot pipe to constructors

Problem: you can't pipe to a constructor

  • account for constructors with multiple

Status: Not designed

v2 Spec

v2 Language definition

type StdlibTypeName =
  { module_ : string
    typeName : string
    version : int }

type PackageTypeName =
  { owner : string
    package : string
    module_ : string
    typeName : string
    version : int }

type UserTypeName = {
  typeName : string
  version : int

type TypeName =
  | StdlibTypeName of StdlibTypeName
  | PackageTypeName of StdlibTypeName
  | UserTypeName of UserTypeName

type Parameter =
  { name : string
    typ : DType
    description : string }

module Enum =
  type Variant = {
    constructorName : string
    parameters : Parameter list
    description : string

  type T = {
    name : TypeName
    variants : List<Variant>
    description : string

module Record =
  type T = {
    name : TypeName
    description : string
    fields : List<Parameter>

type CompoundType =
  | RecordType of Record.T
  | EnumType of Enum.T

// existing type
type executionState = {
  ... // existing fields
  userTypes = Map<UserTypeName, CompoundType>
  builtinTypes = Map<StdlibTypeName, CompoundType>
  packageTypes = Map<PackageTypeName, CompoundType>

// existing type
type DType =
  ... // existing variants
  | CompoundType of CompoundType

// existing type
type Dval =
  ... // existing variants
  | DRecord of { typeName: typeName; fields : (string * Dval) list}
  | DEnum of { typeName: typeName; enumName of string; args of Dval list }

v2 Standard library

let optionType : CompoundType =
  EnumType {
    name = StdlibTypeName { module_ = "Result", typeName = "Result", version = 0 }
    variants =

v2 Editor changes